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31.75 dB Range / 0.25dB Step DSA

0.05 to 6.0 GHz


Data Sheet

31.75 dB Range / 0.25dB Step DSA

0.05 to 6.0 GHz

The GRF6403 is a bi-directional, 31.75 dB range digital step attenuator which provides precise stepping in 0.25 dB increments. The device supports three unique programming modes, including serial, direct parallel, and latched parallel. In addition, the GRF6403 also includes a special Rapid Fire™ selection pin which allows the device to be immediately switched into a pre-defined attenuation state. This ability to quickly shift into a secondary state allows a single device to be used in TDD applications where different attenuation levels are needed for TX and RX modes of operation.

In terms of performance, the GRF6403 can cover the entire 50 MHz to 6 GHz range while still maintaining precise and monotonic gain stepping. Glitching has been minimized to < 2 dB for all steps. The device delivers up to 30.5 dBm of IP0.1dB, 55 dBm of IIP3 and a low IL of less than 1.3 dB at 2 GHz.